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Thumbs Up 8

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: L'ultima Ronda 03/07/1890 By: Kius87
SHCD_L'Ultima Ronda_03.07.1890.pdf (7.56 MB)

E' con grande piacere che vi presentiamo "L'ultima ronda", il secondo capitolo della "trilogia delle ultime cose". E' un caso lungo e complesso e per poterlo godere appieno consigliamo di giocarlo a più riprese. Buona indagine! Marco e Marianna M&M's

Nov 28, 2021

Thumbs Up 16

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: The Silver Case - a fan-made case for Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective By: Welcheren
Extra Newspaper - do not read until instructed to do so.pdf (490 KB)

An extra newspaper! But you need to earn this one.

Sep 11, 2021
The Times for The Silver Case.pdf (458 KB)

The Times for The Silver Case. Note that this newspaper does not match the date of the case.

Sep 11, 2021
The Silver Case for BGG.pdf (2.03 MB)

As soon as BGG grants permission, these files should be available: a casebook for The Silver Case, a copy of The Times for this case, as well as an extra newspaper, which players should not read until instructed to do so. I have not written a parlour scene to end this case, because I would like to get some feedback first (and because while I enjoy writing these cases, those scenes are my least favourite bit of work). This case has been test played. It does not include a scoring method, because I wrote it to draw new players into the game and the group I had in mind does not like scoring.

Sep 11, 2021

Thumbs Up 10

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: L'ultima Corsa 19/02/1890 By: Kius87
SHCD_L'ultima corsa_Times _V2.0.pdf (1.81 MB)

Correzione al Times per un piccolo errore cronologico.

Sep 11, 2021
SHCD_L'ultima_corsa_19.02.1890.pdf (5.63 MB)

Dopo molte ore passate a giocare casi ufficiali e non, ci siamo cimentati nella scrittura del nostro primo caso fan-made! speriamo vi possa regalare qualche ora di piacevole indagine!
Per giocarlo è sufficiente il materiale che trovate nella scatola base o sulla pagina del gioco sul sito della Asmodee.
Vi consigliamo di non giocare per il punteggio ma di godervi le piste per il gusto dell'indagine!
Sono ben accette osservazioni, critiche e correzioni di errori.
Buona indagine! M&M's (Marco e Marianna)

Aug 26, 2021

Thumbs Up 19

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: The Brother and the Sister - Graphic Redesign By: catsy83
Siblings-Answers.pdf (225 KB)

The real updated Answer file...b/c apparently I don't know how to save things correctly. *face palm*

Aug 25, 2021
The Brother and the Sister-v2.zip (7.49 MB)

Ok, finally got around to fixing the mistakes that were pointed out below. Thanks for the input and catching the problems! :D

Aug 21, 2021
The Brother and the Sister.zip (7.53 MB)

Alright, folks, thanks to

Michele Scornavacca



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and his amazing co-creators we got a pretty nifty new case, 'The Brother and the Sister', not that long ago.

Well, they gave me permission to do a graphic redesign as I have been doing for other fan cases, the result of which I present to you.

As usual, these are compressed files. GM me for the link to the large files. :)


Jan 14, 2021

Thumbs Up 18

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: Fan case for SHCD: The Battered Bookworm By: Welcheren
Times The Battered Bookworm.pdf (973 KB)

The Times for The Battered Bookworm.

Jul 20, 2021
Latest_ The Battered Bookworm 2.0 18-7-2021.pdf (17.85 MB)

The latest version of The Battered Bookworm with updated graphics.

Jul 18, 2021
The Battered Bookworm for BGG.pdf (1.50 MB)

Case book for The Battered Bookworm. This is the latest version as of 1 June 2021. Thanks to Marco for catching corrections.

May 31, 2021
The Times for The Battered Bookworm.pdf (717 KB)

Updated Times for The Battered Bookworm. This is the latest version as of 29 May 2021.

May 29, 2021
London Gazette Clippings.pdf (260 KB)

London Gazette Clippings

Mar 19, 2021

Thumbs Up 15

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: Custom Case - The Restless Night By: IceyWind
The Restless Night.zip (9.89 MB)

Since uploading a new file and removing the old one refreshes downloads, if you're curious about the amount this case has currently been downloaded here, it is the number mentioned above + 72. Old versions of the file are automatically removed to make sure players will always download the latest version of the case.

Hello everyone!

Much like most of you who read this, I'm a big fan of the Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective games. I own all the box sets, and am currently only three cases away from having played them all.

Since game design is not only my passion but also my education, I wanted to dip my toes into creating a case for this game myself. I can now proudly say that after about half a year of working on it, I'm ready to share it with you all!

You should be able to find the needed files here if the download file does not work: https://tinyurl.com/e4ddsy9s

The most up to date version of this case is 1.2 To check if you have this version, look at the Zip's readme file.

The downloadable zip file above contains;
- The case book (PDF, digital version)
- The case's newspaper as an image file
- A readme file containing some additional info

In addition to the files listed above, the linked .zip file of this case also contains;
- The case book (Word document version, for people who have difficulty reading the PDF text)
- The london Directory (Baker Street Irregulars version. This case works with any version of the directory however)
- The game rules & consultants
- An image of the London Map

These are not included in the downloadable version above for data limit reasons.

I hope you will enjoy playing this as much as I enjoyed working on it! Any feedback you have will be greatly appreciated!

p.s. A special thanks to fornacigiorgi for providing the Custom Mystery pack, which contained the fonts and visual backgrounds used to create this case.

Jul 9, 2021

Thumbs Up 9

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: Il libraio percosso By: Azathot
Il Libraio Percosso_1.0.pdf (19.22 MB)

Versione italiana di 'The battered bookworm'.
Scritto da Marthinus Conradie, tradotto da Marco Gufarelli e Michele Scornavacca.
Nel PDF è presente la copia del Times.
Richiede il gioco base.
Questo caso non è in alcun modo collegato con i casi ufficiali dell'universo di 'Sherlock Holmes consulente investigativo'.

Jul 7, 2021

Thumbs Up 9

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: La morte di un mago By: Azathot
1888-07-04 Morte di un Mago_1.0.pdf (7.34 MB)

Versione italiana di 'Death of a Magician'.
Scritto da Noomi Lodenius, tradotto da Marco Gufarelli e Michele Scornavacca.
Richiede il gioco base, in particolare la copia del Times del 4 luglio 1888 presente nella scatola 'I delitti del Tamigi e altri casi'.
Questo caso non è in alcun modo collegato con i casi ufficiali dell'universo di 'Sherlock Holmes consulente investigativo'.

Jun 24, 2021

Thumbs Up 9

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: Il Ramponiere Arpionato By: KenMcGufs
1901-08-14 Il Ramponiere Arpionato 1.2.pdf (14.71 MB)

Ecco il primo caso che ho scritto negli ultimi mesi per questo bellissimo gioco. Spero che vi possa piacere e vi faccia trascorrere qualche ora piacevole. Per giocarlo sono necessari l'Annuario, la normale mappa di Londra e la lista degli Informatori che si trovano nel gioco originale. Allego al file del caso anche la Mappa dell'East End che è assolutamente necessaria per giocarlo e la copia del Times del giorno dell'indagine.
Concedo il permesso di tradurre il caso in altre lingue
ma vi prego di inviarmi una copia del vostro lavoro per verificarla insieme.
Mi sono divertito molto a scriverlo e spero presto di potere scrivere un nuovo caso. Ogni vostro suggerimento, critica o segnalazione di eventuali errori (sia di logica che grammaticali) sarà molto gradito.
Scrivetemi pure per ogni Vs dubbio o chiarimento necessario sono a
disposizione. Buona indagine !

PS = Questa versione 1.2 si è resa necessaria per eliminare alcuni errori che ci erano sfuggiti.

Jun 7, 2021
Mappa EastEnd.pdf (1.78 MB)

Mappa Est End necessaria per giocare il caso insieme alla mappa di Londra presente nel gioco

Jun 6, 2021
1901-08-14 Il Ramponiere Arpionato - Times.pdf (1.66 MB)

Ecco il Times del Caso da utilizzare per giocarlo.

Jun 6, 2021

Thumbs Up 19

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: Custom Case - The Case of the Re-Appearing Redhead By: mattsmalley
Consulting Detective Newspaper.pdf (12.35 MB)

PDF version of The Times for this case

Jun 2, 2021
Consulting Detective Case.doc (4.58 MB)

Hi everyone,

Huge fan of the game, currently working my way through the recent expansion, and have played all the others plus some fanmade cases. Decided to write one of my own during the winter COVID lockdown in the UK. It seems to have gone down well with my regular gaming group, and I don't think there are any huge plotholes or anything, so I thought I'd publish it here if it's of any interest to anyone.

I haven't done any fancy graphic design for it, so I'm uploading it just in the form of a text file containing the casebook, questions, and answers - it also has the text of The Times at the end, but I'm also including it in PDF form. The PDF was made by editing the one used in fanmade case 'A Case of Bad Fortunes' by Jean Millemann and translated by Targaff and kasoconman, which you find here: https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/136115/case-bad-fortunes-...

My case was made using the base game directory, map, and informant list (so requires the base game to play). It does not involve any other cases' issues of The Times. I haven't knowingly used any character name that occurs in any other case (except major characters and informants) but I might have done so unwittingly, in which case no reference to the previous character is intended. Some historical licence may also have been used.

Happy to answer any questions, using spoiler tags if need be - I didn't expect this to come out particularly well; I was pleasantly surprised by how it turned out but I don't claim to be an amazing writer or anything, so I submit this for any enjoyment you might get out of it. :)

Jun 1, 2021

Thumbs Up 17

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: Thunder Lightning and Rain - a fan case for Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective By: Welcheren
Newspaper clipping for 22 SW TLR.pdf (182 KB)

At one location for Thunder, Lightning and Rain, investigators will discover a newspaper clipping. I know that the title of this PDF already discloses the location. However, players still need to figure out whey they would go there and, once they have arrived and received the clipping, players must consider what it means.

May 30, 2021
The Times for Thunder Lightning and Rain.pdf (415 KB)

This is a PDF copy of the Times for the fan case Thunder, Lightning and Rain (SHCD).

May 30, 2021
Thunder Lightning and Rain for BGG - CASEBOOK.pdf (1.55 MB)

Dear SHCD fans,
Here is another fan case. Please note that although I have proof read this multiple times, the case has not been test played. So, please let me know if you spot any errors. Suggestions for improvement are welcome. Have fun guys!

An edition of The Times for this case, as well as a special newspaper clipping will also be uploaded.

May 30, 2021

Thumbs Up 13

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: Fan case for SHCD: The Spell Book By: Welcheren
The Spell for Book BGG_updated_1-4-2021.pdf (1.89 MB)

Latest version of the casebook.

Apr 1, 2021
The_Times_for_The Spell_Book.pdf (453 KB)

To those who might be interested: Here is a fan case titled The Spell Book.

The formatting does not follow the retail version and the layout is a little drab, perhaps, but I did not want to risk copyright issues. Hopefully, the image on the cover does not cause any consternation.

This version does not contain a parlour scene at the end or scoring instructions. I would appreciate feedback on the case itself before adding such sections.

My gratitude to anyone who is willing to test pay this case. All you will need is the map and London directory from the retail copy of Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders and Other Cases.

Mar 11, 2021

Thumbs Up 5

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: Enquête non officielle : "Même pas peur" By: DjokerNole
Times du 7 mai 1889.pdf (188 KB)

Je débute sur le site, et je n'ai pas pu rajouter le journal attaché à l'enquête, le voici donc ici

Mar 2, 2021
Même pas peur.pdf (533 KB)

Bonjour ! Je suis un grand fan de Sherlock Holmes détective conseil, et j'ai profité des confinements en 2020 pour écrire 3 enquêtes.
Elles ont été testées 3 à 4 fois chacune par mon entourage, et donc réajustées au fur et à mesure. Elles sont également de difficulté croissante. J'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à les écrire, et même si le forum semble essentiellement en anglais, j'aimerais poster ici l'une d'entre elles (la plus facile pour débuter).
Vous aurez besoin du plan et de l'annuaire. Le fichier contient les questions finales, mais pas les réponses (je les fournirais en MP)

Je suis surtout ouvert à toute(s) critique(s)

En espérant que des fans français passent par là !


Mar 1, 2021

Thumbs Up 6

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: Il caso della lettera minatoria By: Azathot
IlCasoDellaLetteraMinatoriaV1.0.pdf (13.52 MB)

Versione italiana di 'L'affaire de la lettre piégée'.
Scritto da Olivier Jahchan pubblicato su White Flag n. 11, tradotto da Marco Gufarelli e Michele Scornavacca.
Richiede il gioco base.

Feb 6, 2021

Thumbs Up 16

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: Vincent van der Zwaag's Fan Trilogy - Graphic Redesign By: catsy83
Cutting Edge of Winter-v2.zip (8.15 MB)

Ok, it was nagging at me so I made the changes to 'Cutting Edge of Winter' based on Franco's feedback below already and am posting it. Enjoy!

Jan 9, 2021
House of M.zip (11.01 MB)

And last but certainly not least, the conclusion of this super-awesome storyline, case number three aka The House of M.

Jan 8, 2021
Fumes and Fires.zip (7.77 MB)

And here is the second of Vincent's awesome cases: Fumes and Fires.

Jan 8, 2021
Cutting Edge of Winter.zip (8.13 MB)

With the most gracious permission of the absolutely, unbelievably and amazing

Vincent Z


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(http://www.vincentgames.com/sherlock/), I give you a Space Cowboys inspired redesign of his three amazing cases: The Cutting Edge of Winter, Fumes and Fires, and the House of M.

This first file is the first case. The others will be uploaded on top of these once the admin's approve the post.

Note: These are downsized files due to the file size restrictions on BGG. For those who want full resolution files (which are a few 100MBs each), send me a Geek Mail and I'll send you a Dropbox download link.

Enjoy! :)

Jan 7, 2021

Thumbs Up 18

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: Death of a Magician - A Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective fan-made case By: FruPeacock
Death of a magician v 2.pdf (2.45 MB)

Fixed typo.

Jan 3, 2021
Death of a Magician.pdf (2.45 MB)

A fan made case by me. It uses the Ystari version, I used the directory and newspaper from here: https://print-and-play.asmodee.fun/sherlock-holmes/, but any version should work. It's completely standalone from other titles and references to characters. It uses only the newspaper from the day of the incident, as well as manual (allies), map (important!), etc from base game. The assets for background images and some fonts are from the Custom-mystery-pack (https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/124589/custom-mistery-pac...), it was great to work with.

The question, answer and solution is at the very end of the pdf.

English is not my native language and I'm sorry for any mistakes. Please feel free to also give me feedback if you find anything odd. If anyone would be up to playtesting and telling me the leads they took I would be very grateful, so I can improve the case.

The story is a bit on the long side (just so you know), I have estimated about 4 h to get most of the clues.

Dec 26, 2020

Thumbs Up 9

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: Il Caso dei Vasi d'Argilla By: prossi
1. Il Caso dei Vasi d'Argilla.pdf (12.85 MB)

scritto da Robin (bgg: clubcard), edizione grafica by Mario Ciriaco

Dec 28, 2020

Thumbs Up 10

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: Il caso Oliver Stone By: Azathot
IlCasoOiverStoneV1.0.pdf (13.07 MB)

Versione italiana di "Le cas Oliver Stone" scritto da Jean Millemann, tradotto da Marco Gufarelli e Michele Scornavacca.
Richiede il gioco base.
E' inclusa la mappa dell'East End.
In questo caso non è presente la copia del Times.

Dec 26, 2020

Thumbs Up 45

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: I due fratelli By: Azathot
Sherlock-Holmes-consulting-Detective-italiano-i_due_fratelli-V3.2.pdf (7.49 MB)

This case has been translated into English and this new version was born following the exchange of views with the translators.
Here you can find the English translation:

NOTE: this case can be played only with the Italian version of the London Directory.
and the English translation can be played only with the English version of the London Directory.

Fix due to a small bug reported by Franco Fucini and
one picture reworked.

Dec 15, 2020

Thumbs Up 11

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: La Morte di Cleopatra By: Azathot
La Morte di Cleopatra-V1.1.pdf (10.04 MB)

Traduzione in italiano del caso 'Cleopatra Death's' di Susanne Krause.
Traduzione di Marco Gufarelli (KenMcGufs) e Michele Scornavacca (Azathot).
Layout e grafica come il gioco originale.

Originale in inglese: https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/194956/cleopatras-death-s...

Versione in tedesco: https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/203126/cleopatras-tod-ein...

Questo aggiornamento corregge alcune marginali imprecisioni nella traduzione.

Nov 17, 2020

Thumbs Up 10

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: Un caso di malasorte By: Azathot
SHCD-UnCasoDiMalsorte-V 1.0.pdf (13.58 MB)

Versione italiana di "1891" scritto da Jean Millemann, tradotto da Marco Gufarelli e Michele Scornavacca.
Richiede il gioco base.
Sono inclusi il Times e la mappa dell'East End.
Il nostro personale parere è che questo caso sia da considerarsi introduttivo per apprendere le dinamiche del gioco.

Oct 27, 2020

Thumbs Up 17

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: La Lancia di San Giorgio (Caso extra - fan made) By: TeOoh
Sherlock Holmes - La Lancia di San Giorgio - rev1.pdf (9.45 MB)

Piccole correzioni grammaticali e sintattiche.

Aug 28, 2020
Sherlock Holmes - La Lancia di San Giorgio.pdf (9.23 MB)

Un nuovo caso da risolvere per gli Irregolari di Baker Street.

Un noto Professore di archeologia è assassinato, proprio la notte prima di recuperare leggendaria Lancia di San Giorgio in compagnia... del papà di Indiana Jones, fresco fresco di studi universitari!

[Ringrazio Asmodee Italia e Space Cowboys per la concessione]

Jul 5, 2020

Thumbs Up 8

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: Cleopatras Tod - ein Fan-Fall für Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective By: Sushikles
Cleopatras Tod (GERMAN VERSION) - Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective.pdf (804 KB)

Ich habe meinen Fall "Cleopatra's Death" (https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/194956/cleopatras-death-s...) nun auch ins Deutsche übersetzt. Ich arbeite mit dem Material aus dem englischen Spiel und habe auch den Fall zuerst auf Englisch geschrieben. Eventuell gibt es also kleine Abweichung bei Namen von Orten.

In dem Dokument findet ihr fast alles, was ihr braucht – und zwar in dieser Reihenfolge:
- Zeitung
- Fallbuch
- Fragen
- Antworten
- Auflösung
Aus dem Grundspiel ist zum Spielen nur die Karte, das Adressbuch und die Übersicht der Informanten nötig. Der Fall hat keine Verbindungen zu anderen Fällen.

Ich freue mich sehr über Feedback - und finde es immer spannend eine Nachricht zu bekommen, welcher Folge von Spuren ihr gefolgt seid!

Und wenn ihr den Fall lieber auf Italienisch spielen wollt: https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/204036/la-morte-di-cleopa...

Jun 9, 2020

Thumbs Up 10

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: Case Note Booklet - New Graphic Design By: catsy83
CaseNoteBooklet-NoPgNr.zip (15.95 MB)

Alright, I caved and had to edit the booklet to account for those folks who like to have more leads. If you use this version, just print the last two pages double-sided as often as you want - together they give you 12 leads.

Thanks to James again, this time for the encouragement. ;)

May 31, 2020
CaseNoteBooklet.zip (15.46 MB)

I've created a case note booklet with new graphics to go along with the new Space Cowboy design. It's also meant to be helpful esp. for first time players - let me know if I succeeded. :)

I've included both a full color version as well as a black and white one, for those who do not have unlimited cartridges or access to cheap color printing.

For those who don't want to print the inside pages in color, but still want to have a colorful cover, there is an extra sheet that has the labels and the pieces of papers "stuck" to the cover (minus the magnifying glass). You can print those separately and then affix them to a piece of colored paper instead of printing the cover. It's probably a somewhat cheaper option. (If you really want to, you can print the black and white cover onto colored paper AND THEN affix the extras on top of it. ;) )

Both US and DIN-A sizes are in the zip file. Choose the one that fits your printer paper. :) Also, for printing, you may need to select special options such as borderless printing and/or short-edge binding to make sure these come out correctly. Double-check with your printer's manual.

Many thanks to

James R. Gracen


United States

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who created the original booklet to match the Ystari design, from which I adapted some aspects, and to

Erik Twice



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for letting me include some of his tips in the booklet. :)

P.S. If you discover any mistakes, let me know, so I can fix them. :)

P.P.S. The files have been somewhat compressed to make sure I can upload this here. If you want the original files that are upward of 200MB, send me GM. I'll send you the Dropbox Link.

May 28, 2020

Thumbs Up 36

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases:: Cleopatra's Death - Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective fan-made case By: Sushikles
Cleopatra's Death - Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective.pdf (775 KB)

REVISED VERSION - Thanks to all of you for your feedback on my case! I've now created a revised version of the case.

GERMAN TRANSLATION of the case under this link: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/filepage/203126/cleopatras-tod...
ITALIAN TRANSLATION (powered by Marco Gufarelli (KenMcGufs) and Michele Scornavacca (Azathot). You rock!!!): https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/204036/la-morte-di-cleopa...

May 15, 2020
Cleopatra's Death - Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective fan-made case.pdf (780 KB)

A fan-made case for Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective. You won't need any newspapers from the base game, just the map, directory and maybe the manual (any SHCD game should work!). If you don't have the game at home, you can currently download a PDF version from the Space Cowboys page, e.g. here https://www.spacecowboys.fr/the-thames-murders under "Materials for remote play". Like this, you could play the case even without a physical copy of Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective.

This fan case is not connected to any other case (and might present people from the address book inconsistently with other cases).

If you get to the empty page in the PDF, be careful: The section with the questions, answers and the solution starts right after that.

This is my first fan case - honest feedback is always welcome! Also, English is not my native language. If you do find any mistakes, I'm more than happy to correct them.

Also, if you want to do me a favour, send me a list of the leads you used to solve the case! This helps me to see if clues are too obvious or to obscure – and if I might have to modify the case somewhere.

Jan 25, 2020

1 , 2 , 3Next »

Posted by: leotasanluise0198563.blogspot.com

Source: https://boardgamegeek.com/files/thing/2511